Your customers have pain, their processes are in-efficient, profits are lower than desired, expenses are higher than desired and they want new sources or revenue. You will be their hero when you connect them with Matraex to solve these problems (and more) using custom web and mobile apps.

The world of custom software can be complex, The following resources will help you 
and your company succeed in the market as a Matraex Referral Partner.

We invite you to contact us anytime to clarify or discuss any of the items in more depth.

  • Getting Started
  • Custom Software – increase your understanding and make better referrals
  • Vocabulary – define common terms that simplify communication
  • Discovery Sessions – connect to assess project feasibility, discover customer opportunity and build project proposals
  • Project Essentials – learn the seven parts of a custom app project
  • The Ideal Partner – grow the huge potential of our partnership

Getting Started

Once you and Matraex have decided a partnership is a good fit, follow these steps to begin our relationship.

  1. Sign the partner agreement and send it to (If you do not have a partner agreement,connect with us )
  2. Learn the basics of the Custom Software industry and the Vocabulary terms we use here at Matraex- this will help us communicate with more precision and allow us to make more efficient use of your time.
  3. Discover the way that Matraex helps you and your customer solve problems through three types of Discovery Sessions and learn the seven areas of a custom app project.
  4. Schedule a Discovery Session with Matraex.
  5. Become the Ideal Partner with Matraex and your partner with these tips to increase the number, size and success of your referral projects.

Custom Software Industry

Increase your understanding of the custom software industry so you can comfortably speak with your customers and know when it is appropriate to setup an Customer App Discovery Session. This section attempts to provide a quick way to understand the basics with a short overview of many concepts and terms. Links are provided to get more details if you want.

  • Custom software: 
    A computer application running on a desktop computer, web browser or mobile phone, developed specifically for a user, a group of users or an organization. The software is designed to address the customer needs precisely as opposed to the less specialized off-the-shelf software. more
  • Software Deployment: After software is created, it is launched or deployed so that the user(s) can access and work with it. Most custom business software created today is built as a web application, a mobile app, or a hybrid of the two. While there are lots of places that software exists, these are the most common
    • A Web Application is created in the cloud or on a server in a data center, user connect using a web browser.
    • A mobile application is one that is launched to one or more app stores, runs on a mobile phone. Often mobile apps connect to the cloud to store data.
    • Desktop software is a program that needs to run locally on a system without connecting to a network for speed, security or other reasons.
    • Sensor software are small programs built into devices which connect to a web application or an application programming interface (API). The network of all of the connected sensor software devices is often called the Internet of Things (IOT)
    • Industrial software helps configure, control and report on machinery in manufacturing environments.
  • Types of Developers:
    • Freelance Developer – a self-employed developer not committed to a particular employer long term. Often is less expensive than a Development Company and can often be flexible in startup speculation projects where an equity trade for development work is desired. Is ideal only for projects that are smaller or do not have long term requirement.
    • Development Company – a firm with multiple developers often across many technologies. Typically more expensive than a freelancer but more ideal for larger software projects or ones that have more rigorous time and long term support requirements.
  • Software Consumers
    There are many types of consumers for custom software but three types dominate the developer industry
    • Internal- program which reduces expenses or increases profit by limiting errors, automating tedious tasks or streamlining and organizing data often by interfacing with internal employeesenhancing the internal process or workflow of a company. Examples: Data entry tools and reporting tools
    • External – a program which offers service to company external customers, streamlines interaction between the company, its customers and/or vendors. Examples:
    • Software as a Service (SaaS) – a subscription based service offered to the general public or a niche market as a standalone offering. Examples:
  • Software Components – common parts of a software application
    • Front End of an application refers to the area of the software that the intended end user of the site sees.
    • Administrative Console – Often called the ‘Back End” of a software application, this is the area of the software where site owners or administrators can configure, customize, administrate and report on the behaviors of the application.
    • Database / Data Store – The area of the application that the data and information for the app is stored

Custom Software Vocabulary

Project ScopeA definition which details what is included or required in a specific project.
Project TimelineA listing of the start date and critical delivery and milestone dates in a project.
SprintA short defined period of time, where a defined group of software will be delivered
DeliverableThe work product completed by a development team and provided to the customer

Discovery Sessions

Matraex calls the meetings where customers and partners connect with Matraex to think about and discuss potential concepts “Discover Sessions”. We have named these sessions in a way that helps us define the primary goal of each of these types of meetings.

Partner OpportunityIn A Partner Discovery Session, Matraex meets with a partner, to discuss their list of customers and to determine which clients might have potential projects and what methods might be best to approach those customers
ProjectA Project Discovery Session is one where Matraex meets with either the partner, client or both to understand the scope of the project the expected outcome of the Project Discovery Session is a project proposal that can be presented to the customer
Early FeasibilityAn Early Feasibilty Discovery Session, is an investigative meeting where Matraex meets with either the customer, partner or both to give the basics of a project concept and determine whether it is worth moving forward with. The expected result of this meeting is a determination on whether the project can be accomplished, and perhaps a very broad estimated range of what it would take to develop the project.

The Ideal Matraex Referral Partner

There are several types of Partner, and each of them work in a different way.
While we every one of the Partners and their customers are appreciated, we descrbe “Ideal” Partner characteristics to demonstrate how our awesome Partners can get even more out of our relationship

Frequent – looks through their customer list frequently looking for opportunities, schedules Partner Opportunity Discovery Sessions at least monthly, to discuss their customer list and how to develop additional projects

Warm Referrer – looks for customer introductions to make and then proactively connects Matraex with the customer to introduce the project possibility, and schedules follow ups to ensure the project is a good fit and the customer is engaged until they have made a decision on a project proposal.