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What does working with Matraex look like?

So, you think partnering with Matraex is the way to go. It will be helpful for you, as our partner, to fully understand our app development process. The following outline will give you a good idea about how we work.
Step OneAGREEMENT Enter into a Partnership Agreement with Matraex. At this point, we may have one or more conversations or meetings to determine the scope of an agreement. 
Step Two: IDENTIFY Matraex works with you to help identify opportunities within your clients. We connect with you and clients to find projects which meet the client and partner goals.
Step ThreePROPOSAL Matraex will provide a proposal and schedule a proposal review / approval call or meeting. We work as long as it takes to refine the project definition (scope), the budget and the timeline to be something that can be accomplished.
Step FourPROJECT WORK Upon final approval of our proposal. Matraex does the development of the project. Matraex uses the Agile Software Development process (hyperlink here). Through the project, you can expect

  1. Weekly or biweekly project status / Sprint meetings
  2. Delivery or deployment of completed work phases
  3. Periodic milestone or phase meetings for larger projects
  4. Prelaunch / Launch / Post Launch planning and review

Step FiveCOMPLETION Matraex works to define what ‘Done’ looks like in the project. When a project completes, we connect with the project stake holders 
and partners to confirm the completion and celebrate the success
Step SixNEXT STEPS As part of the completion meeting and as periodic followups, we talk about next steps for support, upgrades and future projects.

Partner Program Information

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